
cARTier | Silviu Medesan, Laura Panait

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Magazine: Carturesti
Este posibil ca arta sa (mai) schimbe societatea? Si daca da, ce etica si metodologii trebuie insusite? Acestea sint citeva probleme si intrebari pe care ni le-am pus de-a lungul celor 4 ani de cind Colectiv A coordoneaza initiativa „La Terenuri – Spatiu Comun in Manastur”. La unele am reusit sa raspundem experimentindu-le pe teren, la altele raspund alti actori urbani, care au trecut deja prin ce urmeaza noi sa trecem. Consideram aceasta publicatie ca o comparatie si un dialog intre metodologia aplicata in cartierul Manastur si alte cazuri similare din Romania si Europa. Am realizat o colectie de texte critice despre practici si procese alternative care s-au dovedit eficiente in periferie, adica in afara centrului festivalizat sau dincolo de arta din cutia alba sau neagra. Ne intereseaza cum arta poate activa comunitati si spatii urbane, cum poate contribui la modelarea reala a spatiului fizic si social al orasului.Is it (still) possible for art to change society? And if yes, what ethics and methodologies are required for this? These are some of the problems and questions that we had to deal with in the four years since Colectiv A coordinates the “La Terenuri [At the Playgrounds] – Common Space in Manastur” initiative. To some we managed to answer by testing them on the ground, to others there are answers from other urban actors, who already went through what will be coming for us as well. We consider this publication as a comparison and a dialogue between methodologies applied in the Manastur neighborhood and other similar cases in Romania and Europe. We created a collection of critical texts on these alternative practices and processes, which proved themselves to be effective at the periphery, that is, outside of the city center full of festivals and beyond the arts placed either in a white or in a black box. We are interested in how art could activate communities and urban spaces, how it could contribute to the real modeling of the physical and the social space of the city.
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